nomorepain: Thanks for sharing your story. You will find lots of support here. I can relate to your feelings, and I'm glad you are here.
Stay awake! You are brave to share your observations, and you are smart to realize the truth about the people around you. I think your exit plan is a good one.
My story is also different from yours, but I will share with you that I am glad that I decided to never become a JW. I was only an adult bible student for about 4 years (on and off, as we were never quite convinced).
I can also relate to your feelings of being "left out." I have experienced this since childhood, although mostly in the real world. I am now a mother of two young children, and this peception has not changed for me. I am different, and I have come to realize that I do not fit in. Sometimes it hurts, especially since I am now in my 40's and still long for a "BFF."
You are human, and your feelings are normal.
You are too smart for this group. Do not get baptized. You do not belong to them. You do not have to report your actions or plans to them. I don't think it is the business of the elders or anyone else, what your plans are for your life.
I don't mean to be harsh, but it sounds like you have realized the truth of your situation. Their only interest in you, is to add you to their numbers and get you to serve the organization.
They have no interest in your personal happiness. Neither does the Governing Body.
The "friends" at the KH are manipulating you. They are putting social pressure on you to make a serious commitment to an organization that does not have truth or love within its walls. Follow your instincts here.